Eurobodalla Coronavirus update

Eurobodalla has six active cases, with three cases related to the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club having been released from isolation and are no longer infectious, however still have lingering symptoms.

In the last 24 hours (as @ 1400 11 August 2020), three new cases have been confirmed in the Eurobodalla. The cases are all known close contacts of a recently identified case in Batemans Bay.

One case is linked to Batemans Bay High School, with another case linked to Batemans Bay Public School.  The third case is not linked to either school.

Both Batemans Bay High School and Batemans Bay Public School have each had a confirmed case of COVID-19 attend whilst infectious. Both schools are closed to enable cleaning to take place.

The two cases did not attend any before or after school care services or catch any school buses.

Contact Tracing & Isolation

The Public Health Unit is working closely with the schools involved.

Staff and students who attend the schools and are identified as a close contact will receive an SMS informing them of this status.  This SMS notification for students will also be sent to parents and carers. Close contacts will also be provided with additional information about testing and isolation.

If your child is identified as a close contact and you are unable to isolate from your child, you will be required to self-isolate for the same 14-day period, along with anyone in the household who is unable to isolate from the close contact. 

All members of a household with a close contact are requested to seek testing.

Those identified as a casual contact will be contacted directly by the school and advised to watch for symptoms, but will not need to isolate.

The Public Health Unit investigates all cases of COVID-19 to determine who may be at risk, and these people are contacted and provided relevant information.

People within the community who are not contacted have not been identified as close or casual contacts.

For more information, please see: Frequently asked questions

Latest NSW Health media releases:

Isolation is mandatory for anyone identified as a close contact (not a casual contact) of a case. Anyone directed to undertake a 14-day self-isolation period must stay in isolation for the full time, even if they test negative.

Early testing may not detect an infection, and release from self-isolation based on a negative test could allow an infectious person to infect others in the community. Most people who are infected and develop symptoms will do so within 14 days of exposure.

For further advice, call SNSWLHD 1800 999 880 COVID line to speak with a registered nurse who can provide advice relevant to your particular situation.

You may experience a delay during peak times, with an option to leave your details for a nurse to return your call.  If you have concerns while waiting for call-back, please isolate until you have spoken with a nurse who can advise you on the appropriate action to take.   

Eurobodalla COVID-19 Testing Clinic Information

Southern NSW Local Health District has stepped up testing throughout the Eurobodalla, with the Batemans Bay Hanging Rock COVID-19 Pop-up Clinic (near the Marine Rescue Building), open from 9:00am to 5:00pm until Sunday. 

Meanwhile COVID-19 testing is continuing at Moruya Hospital (Moruya Pathways building, right hand side of the hospital) daily, 9:00am to 5:00pm.

Source: Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) update: