02/12/23Your Guide to New Year’s ResolutionsAs we ring in another new year, it’s only natural that we start thinking about those dreaded resolutions. You know, those promises we make to ourselves with the best intentions, only to find ourselves abandoning them by February. But fear not, my sceptical friends, because this year, we’re going to approach our resolutions with a different mindset.Read More
21/11/23Worried about getting a blood test? 5 tips to make them easier (and still accurate)Blood tests are a common medical procedure that offers valuable insights into a person’s health. Whether you’re getting a routine check-up, diagnosing a medical condition or monitoring treatment progress, understanding the process can make the experience more comfortable and practical. For the majority of patients, blood collections are a minor inconvenience. Others may feel uneasy and anxious.Read More
17/11/23Do you have a pathology request from your doctor?For your convenience, the Southern IML pathology collection centre is located onsite at Queen Street Medical Centre Moruya.Read More
15/11/22Need advice & support with your baby?Tresillian Family Care Centres is Australia’s largest early parenting support organisation with services for parents with a child aged up to three years. Our parent’s Help Line 1300 272 736 (7 days a week) can assist with queries relating to children aged up to five years.Read More