Sexual Health and HIV Care: talk, test and protect

Our doctors have undergone additional training in these areas to ensure they can meet all your health needs and offer ongoing support throughout your sexual health journey. We provide comprehensive screening for sexually transmitted infections and support you every step of the way.
Dr Ali Lavender is a community S100 HIV drug prescriber supported by Canberra Sexual Health Centre and Eurobodalla Sexual Health Service. At the same time, Dr Eliza Dally is also a HIV prescriber. You can trust us to provide the care and guidance you need to stay healthy and happy.
- STI testing,
- safe sex advice,
- Pre-'PrEP' and post-'PEP' exposure prophylaxis,
- HIV testing.
Alternatively, you can also reach out to Eurobodalla Sexual Health Service at 1300 139 562 or NSW Sexual Health Infolink at 1800 451 624. Remember, taking care of your sexual health is essential to overall health and well-being.
Dr Ali Lavender and Nurse Kristy Millikin thoughtfully compiled this information.